3 Ergebnisse für Monat: 02/2016

Testimonial Luise

"Frau Yasinovskaya's Coachings bzw. Trainings sind professionell, versiert, kunden- und lösungsorientiert. Ich habe Frau Yasinovskaya als sehr strukturierte, empathische und engagierte Trainerin kennengelernt, deren Fokus stets auf die Bedürfnisse und Erfordernisse des Einzelnen oder der Gruppe gerichtet ist. Durch die multikulturelle Ausrichtung ihrer Arbeit, ist Frau Yasinovskaya zudem auch bestens in der Lage, auf kulturelle Unterschiede einzugehen und diese entsprechend einzubinden."
Luise W.

Testimonial Peng Li

"Maria was very helpful when I approached her for life coaching. After 3 coaching sessions with her I got more clarity on what I should do next to solve the issue I am facing. Maria is open and easy to talk to. Her professionalism in life coaching made and makes me feel so comfortable. I am really thankful for what she has done for me"
Li P.

Testimonial Rima

"I had my first ever coaching session with Maria. It was a very pleasant experience and I got into it immediately. Question after question she allowed me to find creative solutions to my business problematics I've been worried about. I can totally see how it would also work for a group of people working together not only for an individual. It was super smooth and it felt almost effortless for me. I would recommend Maria to all the entrepreneurs that I know."
Rima K.